Training “Organization Structure Design, Work Load Analysis & Man Power Planning”

Banjarmasin, December 06, 2024 – HR SinarAlam Group once again held a training containing Organization Structure Design, Work Load Analysis & Man Power Planning materials. This training was attended by all HR Managers and Supervisors in each business unit at SinarAlam Group.

The training lasted for 2 days, namely from 06-07 December, discussing the Performance Excellence Model, Strategic HC Management for Business Improvement, HC Roles, HC Competency based-on SKKNU MSDM, Organization Development, Organization Structure Design based-on Business Strategy, Job Description & Job Design, Work Load Analysis and Man Power Planning.

Trainer : Mike Suyanto
(CEO Sovereign Consultant)

Organization Development (OD) is one of the activities that need to be carried out by the HC Department so that the company can be in line with the established strategy. Through this training, participants will understand the concept of OD as part of the Human Capital Management System, the competencies that need to be possessed by the HC Department and how to implement them. And also participants are expected to be able to understand the concept of HC Management, understand the role of HC in the company, understand the strategy of compiling organizational structures, understand the creation of Job Descriptions, understand how to calculate workloads and calculate employee needs.