PT. Chandra Mas Permata Lestari operates 3 (three) Public Fuel Filling Stations (Gas Station) across South Kalimantan. Our stations undergo regular audits by PT. Pertamina to ensure service quality for all segments of society.

PT. CMPL is a company involved in the retail sector of fuel oil in South Kalimantan. We are dedicated to delivering the best service in the distribution and sale of fuel oil in the region. We offer various types of fuel, including Pertamax Turbo, Pertamax, Pertalite, Pertamina Dex, Bio Solar, and others, to meet the needs of transportation, industry, and households.

In line with our commitment to quality and sustainability, PT. CMPL gas stations ensure that the fuel we distribute adheres to high-quality standards. With modern infrastructure and skilled human resources, we continue to expand our network of gas stations throughout Kalimantan Island.

PT. CMPL gas stations are dedicated to supporting government initiatives in the distribution of subsidized fuel oil in a targeted and transparent manner. We guarantee that every liter of subsidized fuel distributed has undergone a process in accordance with applicable regulations, ensuring it reaches those who are entitled and in need. With dedication and integrity, we strive to maintain the trust of the government and the community in fulfilling this responsibility for the common good.